1. Installation

The installation of PyValentina by itself is quite simple. However it will be easier to get the dependencies on a Linux desktop.

1.1. Dependencies

PyValentina requires the following dependencies:

Also it is recommanded to have these Python modules:

  • pip
  • virtualenv

For development, you will need in addition:

1.2. Installation from PyPi Repository

PyValentina is made available on the PyPI repository at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/PyValentina

Run this command to install the last release:

pip install PyValentina

1.3. Installation from Source

The PyValentina source code is hosted at https://github.com/FabriceSalvaire/PyValentina

To clone the Git repository, run this command in a terminal:

git clone git@github.com:FabriceSalvaire/PyValentina.git

Then to build and install PyValentina run these commands:

python setup.py build
python setup.py install